Industry Innovation: The First Brokerage in a Warehouse

It's been just over a week since we've rolled out our new logo (which everyone LOVES)...and hey, we do too! There are so many more twists & surprises that we have in store for our clients & fans.

Up next, introducing the public to our warehouse space. We have completely turned the real estate brokerage business model upside down.

Since staging & styling has become such a huge part of our business model, we figure...why not merge the staging side with the office space.

I found a fantastic space in Glendale with a conference room, tons of square footage and a loft area (where the real work happens).

Building this business model has been fun and exciting: this is real estate innovation. It has not been done before. Rumor has it that this concept is already spreading...sounds like some will follow my lead.

There are so many exciting things about creating a new business (and new business model). I love the fact that my husband & I,  Cali, Courtney, Sam and some really great friends were the ones doing the heavy lifting and organizing. A start up fairytale.

As the appointments start to increase I look forward to welcoming in all my clients to the space. It's fun and inspiring. Trust me...I'm all business, but that doesn't mean that we can't have friends & fun at the same time. This industry is personal & it's business.

My favorite part of our space, is my loft. It is my safe space where all the magic has been brewing. When I first saw it, it was raw and unfinished. My amazing contractor was able to finish it so that my staff & I have enough room to get the job done. And also, don't miss my pink couch. I am so in love with my pink couch!

The Day we signed the lease

Moving Day ~ leaving the storage lockers & into the warehouse

My Husband Dan ~ Always willing to help

Charlie in a pile of Pillows

Photoshoot day with Calfa Photography
Pure Joy ~ Industry Innovator


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